Jam: https://itch.io/jam/scorejam25

Rate: https://itch.io/jam/scorejam25/rate/2029349

Theme: Stealth

Game Idea: Needy Cat will look for its Hooman. Hooman loves petting him but he cannot do this all day long. You play as Hooman and have to avoid Needy Cat otherwise you will have to pet it all day long. Can you resist the purring tentation?

Game Inputs

AWSD - Movement

ESC or P- Pause/Unpause game


Score submited on Game Over Screen

Leaderboard can be seen in Pause Screen or Game Over Screen

Player name can be set in Pause Screen -> Options Screen


Game developer - Latarullo

Asset Credits


Cat pur sound

meow sounds

Background Music


NeedyCat will follow waypoints, sit and meow at hooman to get his attention.

After sometime, it will randomly choose waypoints in order to make new unexpected paths.

It will starting chase hooman after some time.

Good Luck!

Future note: There are a lot of missing things for the game and the code is as messy as hell, but I am really proud of this result!

Hope you all enjoy!

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